
Oswald Perktold

From the Latin of the Altar
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Sylvia Manning - Baumgartner
Nicole D´Incecco
And of course the memories of the church. I was seven years acolyte. And the little church was a cathedral to me. And the priest, who was a baroque man. He has played the full. This was a production in this small - especially in the liturgy - during Holy Week. Incredibly it has staged the. .. My grandson - the Felix is only four years old. "Felix, we now learn Latin," two weeks ago. "Flectamus Genoa leva-ha-te," I told him so flectamus Genoa, let us fall on your knees and lift you. He did then - now he can Latin. He does that everywhere - in the group of children sing everywhere he does. And the Church was, of course with music, with pictures, with the responsories - a wonderful place. Especially nice was the Vespers on Sunday afternoon. At two clock are all the people flocked into the church, all inside - I find the priest in the apse facing the nation. And the sexton at the top of the organ has the responses sung and Oswald and the minister responded next to it - in Latin! Yes mei. In the book I could - I never understood the Catholic Church as well and so intimately and intensely, as I do not understand their language. So Latin had been wonderful for me. I would still argue today, to use the Latin. Have not got anything but only with the externals there. Childhood experiences